P-05-865 Guarantee fully plant-based options on every public sector menu to protect the rights of vegans and for our health, the environment and animals, Correspondence – Powys County Council to Chair, 15.08.19


Dear Ms Finch-Saunders AM,


Powys County Council currently offer a daily main meal, vegetarian and jacket potato option on our school meal menus. We also cater for numerous special diets including gluten free, lactose intolerant, egg free, etc. The Catering Service currently offer vegan menus to those who request it, in Powys the requests for vegan options have been very low to date. When we change our menus in October 2019 we will be adding vegan options to our menu for each day of the week, this will be on request and available in all schools. Due to the current demand for vegan options being very low, we will only stock/make vegan dishes at the schools were we have had a request. (i.e. although these choices will be on the menu we will not make/stock products in schools where there is no demand). Hence, we will be asking parents to inform our catering staff in advance.


In our County Hall restaurant, and for hospitality functions, we do offer a variety of special diet dishes including vegan options.    


I hope the information above is of assistance, if you require anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Best wishes,